An everyday perspective on today's art scene.

Art serves many purposes but increasingly, today’s public asks that it either inform or entertain an increasingly engaged yet generally unfamiliar general public. This is a simple guide for those seeking to work past intimidating gallery owners or over-eager docents and interns for a chance to approach these creative works on one’s own terms – if a show interests you, click on the link or Google the artist – they will be glad to assist you.

Text and Images are copyrighted by contributor(s).

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Art Gemütlichkeit

 Yesterday was a busy night for art-supporting Minneapolitans and St Paulites.  Minnesota Museum of American Art (MMAA) opened DIY Printing:  Presses Not Required, at the Project Space in downtown St Paul, and of course, the galleries and studios of Nordeast Minneapolis were open for First Thursdays.

    After a week of shoveling snow and, to be honest, still less than 100%, yours truly played it safe and spent First Thursday at the Northrup King Building with artists and friends.

    Despite recent weather, Studio 265 (Perry Ingli and Laura Donovan) was hopping with friends, collectors and casual viewers.  Ignoring the perils of sequestration, at least one art piece was also destined to change hands this night.

    Some who chose comfort and gemütlichkeit over the headaches of St Paul’s parking and construction scene include artist painter Kevin Wellington, of Plymouth, Karen Monson, Visual Arts Instructor at the Perpich Center Arts Education, Candy Kuehn, fiber artist, and Kuhn’s partner Craig Lucas of the Playwright’s Center Advisory Board in Minneapolis.

    Laura Donovan showed off her studio space to family and friends.  Credit for the night’s sale goes to Donovan.  

    Perry Ingli discussed plans and programs for artists and gave some impromptu advice to artists considering arts travel abroad.  Ingli was accompanied by a very charming and supportive Michael Greene.  

    Claudia Poser and husband, of Studio 394, also made the rounds.  Poser is currently publicizing her new memoir, Dreaming in German: A Memoir About the Meaning of Home, a tale of growing up in East and West Germany.

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